Love & Happiness Seminar

Arielle Ford

The Art of Relationships


Arielle Ford is a leading personality in the personal growth and self-development movement. For the past 30 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is a celebrated love and relationship expert, author, speaker, and is the co-creator and host of Evolving Wisdom’s Art of Love series. Her mission is to help women Find Love, Keep Love and Be Love.

As the president of The Ford Group, Arielle was widely recognized as America’s foremost book publicist and was instrumental in launching the careers of many NY Times bestselling self-help authors including Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, don Miguel Ruiz, and Debbie Ford.  Arielle was the publicist for dozens of other top selling authors such as Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Gary Zukav, Dean Ornish, Joan Borysenko, Jorge Cruise, and don Miguel Ruiz. She is retired for the PR & marketing.

Who is this course for?

  • For everyone who wants and searches for love
  • For those who want to understand relationships
  • For everyone looking for the meaning of the healthy relationship and its practical applications
  • For those who want to learn the right ways to deal with a partner and ask for what they want
  • For those who wants to know their’s and their partner’s love language
  • For those who want to learn ways to breathe new life into old love
  • For those who want to understand men and women
  • For everyone who wants to understand the differences in relationships and ways to deal with it
  • For those who want to attract the right life partner

This course will help to:

  • Create a new concept of love
  • Find a method of communication that works for you and your partner
  • Understanding emotional relationships
  • Formation of healthy concepts about men and women
  • Understand the natural differences between men and women
  • Accept the differences between you and your partner, no matter what

Two days for a healthy and enjoyable relationship that extends your life

  • If you think that your marriage has passed the reform stage and that separation is your only solution, then you are wrong
  • If you think having a healthy, supportive relationship is impossible, you are wrong
  • If you think that attracting your soulmate and life partner as you like is difficult and impossible, then you are wrong

Seminar details

On Friday and Saturday 25-26 November 2022 Live attendance at Radisson Blu Hotel

Note: There is a translation

Rare opportunity.. seize it

To reserve your stay at Radison blu with the special discount, please send hour name, mobile number and your request ( nights and dates ) to this email with mentioning the name of the seminar

( love and happiness )